Sunday, November 11, 2007

Russian Jewish Feminist tries to bend the Bible.

Here a Russian Jewish Feminist attempts to portray the first 5 books of the Old Testament as a pro-women's rights publication. Here is her vision-through-red-colored-glasses:
# Андрей in SK Says:
November 8th, 2007 at 8:46 am

Mikee to your post #4. I too am very much in favour of the restitutional justice of Torah. I happen to interpret the passage as a Feminist wet dream. Note the part “He can never divorce her as long as he lives”. So you go rape a girl, marry her, she makes your life a living hell backed by her father, brothers, uncles…..all after you pay 50 shekels/25 troy or about $250-300k equivalent by my current estimation. You think this is a desirable life? I’d bet if Feminists got wind of what Torah really stood for, they’d enforce it as law and pray all their darling virgin daughters would have the “misfortune” of getting raped. And people think I’m crazy, demonic and a bad spiritual influence for advocating…ah sh**…well I’m not opening THAT can of worms.
# Андрей in SK Says:
November 8th, 2007 at 8:48 am

Oh and I mean monetized value not spot price of silver.

First: I'm not Jewish, I would include the New Testament aswell in whatever law regime I support (The NT has many pro-men's liberty, anti-women's rights passages that further clarify the Bible's pro-men / husband position.) I know that many, if not the majority, of Jewish people are heavy supporters of feminism and will inject their own fantasies of opressing men and glorifying women parrellel to the actual words and demands of the Bible (as you did with your fantasy of making the husband's life a living hell... when the Bible says nothing of that and demands instead that females ___OBEY___ their husband in all things, just as it demands that they obey God himself. Such power is not hell, it is God trying to mandate a little piece of heaven for his Men. You see, God does not hate Men (though YOU DO hate Men, along with your Jewish Feminists, and your allies in other religions (Christian Feminists, Muslim Feminists, Wiccan Feminists, Flying Spaghetti Monster Feminists)))

The price quoted in Deuteronomy has been estimated to be about 600 dollars (as of a few years ago) by Biblical scholars. Say so long to your "and I mean monetized value" crap (and seriously... what do you think the spot price is? It is the price of silver. The present monetized value of the metal (which is, right now, inflated due to speculation)).
Even if a shekel of silver in the past was worth 25 troy ounces, 50 25troy ounce pieces of silver would come to, at today's silver spot price of about 15.50 US Dollars, 19,375 US Dollars. That is the price of a new low end car with few of the options. Assuming that in today's world the Man has to pay the woman a $10,000 diamond engagement ring in _HOPES_ of marraige, a woman who has been around a few times at the least, paying about double that to the _Father_ for a nice young virgin girl (12 to 14 years old one would assume, past that they are not so often virgins and (if not virgins) don't even qualify for this automatic marraige... I guess the Bible would just consider those women as whores... and what is the penalty for being a lady prostitute...). The Man would pay the girl NOTHING. The money goes to the father. It is a payment for a product (the girl in this case). There is nothing pro-women's rights about selling girls into the service of Men. There is certainly nothing feminist about forcing the girls into service of a Man due to the decision of the Man to rape that girl.

The money is payed to the father (the girl is being bought). All the restrictions placed upon women in the Bible are still apply to the raped young girl (including the NT ones). The girl must obey her husband in all things etc. The man can still take multiple wives and still enforce his will on the female.

The brothers, father, etc would have nothing to do with the Man afterwards if the Man didn't wish them to be in his life. If he has known them for awhile he may wish to stay intouch. If he is some random stranger who was entranced by the beauty and the sweetness of his aquisition then he probably would go live in whatever area of the country that was most beautiful and economic to him, bringing his new little wife with him.

If the girl made his life a "living hell" she'd be beaten. Do you think a Man who is happy to use force to aquire the girl in the first place would suddenly turn into a puddle of mush afterwards? No, he would continue to use force if nessassary and the girl would comply with his every wish. Why do you think the USA is number one in the world. It has something to do with our use of coersion (sometimes physical, sometimes of another type) upon the rest of the world for sure (and I agree with doing what is needed to keep our position, any sane country would do the same), and alot to do with the technological and economic superiority that has allowed us such power. In relation to girls and women, Men have such coercive power and can only be restrained by other men.

Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.

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