Tuesday, November 13, 2007


From: Robin
Date: Nov 13, 2007 2:19 PM


Your last email implied that you are just playing around with a created persona... Using the hate, etc. just to get a rise out of people... or at least exaggerating your views. In case that's true, Let's take a timeout from the game. I'm going to give you some very important advice and I hope you'll take it seriously. If you choose instead to disregard it or share it with the brain dead Bob, MM and other dregs, I at least warned you and my conscience is clear.

There is no anonymity on the Internet. I am only a moderately powerful attorney with moderately powerful connections, and I could have you located, arrested and charged with making terroristic threats with a single phone call. I'm not saying this as a threat and have no intention of doing so. My point is that there are many more who could - and would - do much worse if it benefitted them.

I've seen people sent to prison because politicians want to look like they're responding to threats. Look at the HS kid from PA who was emailing the shooter in Finland. That kid faces a possible 6 years in prison. The headlines read that law enforcement foiled the next Columbine. This was a week before voters decided whether the district attorney should be a judge. Do you think they give a rat's ass if fat boy has to go to prison instead of college so they can get their judgeship? Fat boy made himself an easy target.

The real world has real consequences.

MikeeUSA, I know you think you're smart, but I want you to think about this. You've made yourself the easiest target possible for anyone who needs some tough-on-crime PR. All anyone needs to do is seize your computer and lead you away in handcuffs to get themselves on the front page as the one who prevented the next Columbine.

If you think the truth matters more than appearance, you could be in for a serious education. Do you think the FBI screws around if they perceive even the possibility of a threat? They might. But they won't if they perceive that they could get blamed for NOT responding if and when something happened. CYA is Rule #1.

If you're getting scared, good. That means you have a clue. I don't give a shit what you do. I just blew $450 in billable time writing this warning to you. But if I were you, I would not only tame or kill the psycho-hater persona, but I would have him neutralize the threat asap. Have MikeeUSA see the light. Say it was a joke. Find religion. Write an apology to the prosecutor you threatened (your most idiotic move). Whatever. But as long as your well-crafted "persona" is out there spreading hate and advocating violence, are a sacrificial lamb serving yourself and your future up on a silver platter.

If you are a psycho or just plain stupid, you'll disregard and carry on. That's better for me, as I won't have to find a new psycho. But I share this with you for your own good. Good luck no matter what.

Now back to our regularly scheduled conflict.

Robin Steele, Esq.

I'm not exaggerating my views, I do enjoy the fighting on the internet and wished to share with you some information on how to make your blog seem more believable as many people think that it is a fabrication (I get accused of this aswell). I truly am opposed to women's rights.

I have found religion in the Bible (long ago) and it is opposed to women's rights and in favor of Men's liberty. You will notice that much of my writing deals with the Bible and its spurned status today.

You don't have to tell me that there's no anonymity on the internet :). Do you prefer the little 1x1 gifs or aquiring the weblogs off the actual server? I'm a fan of the gifs but... you may well have a diffrent opinion.

As for computer, there is nothing on here that is not on the internet. All my work is opensource and all of it is released.

As for terroristic threats: that law is in violation of the first ammendment (not that it matters to anyone).

Do as you wish. I have said many times that I know that I will never get what I want and thus, in the end, I do not care what happens to myself. I wonder if the world the Bible envisions ever existed in reality or if it is the written work of dreamers...

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