Sunday, February 10, 2008

Norway objects to the execution of husband murderess by Iran

Norway objects to the execution of husband murderess by Iran:

United Press International

OSLO, Norway, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- The government of Norway lashed out at Iran Wednesday for executing a woman convicted of killing her husband.

Rahele Zamani, 27, was reportedly hanged at the Evin Prison in Tehran, prompting Raymond Johansen of Norway's Foreign Ministry to tell the Aftenposten newspaper's Web site a diplomatic protest would be filed.

"We will now contact Iran's ambassador (to Norway) and protest this barbaric act," Johansen said.

Zamani had testified she had been physically abused by her husband for several years as they raised a 3-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.

"It's just terrible that these two children must now grow up without a mother or father," Johansen said.

Johansen acknowledged Norway as a small country had limited diplomatic influence, but said the protest was "important for the internal opponents of the death sentence in Iran."

I applaud Iran's execution of this woman who murdered her husband. It is good that Iran at the very least takes revenge upon women who kill Men. It would be better still if Iran executed all female women's rights activitsts in it's domain, and then expanded that program to encompass the entirety of the world.

The fact that Norway has decided to object to the execution of this woman shows that the government of Norway is an enemy of Men. If the women of Norway also agree that this woman should not have been executed they too are enemies of Men and should be wiped from existence (murdered).

The husband of the woman had the right to hit her to dicipline her and force her to obey him; woman was made for Man, not Man for woman and women are to obey their husband as they obey the Lord.

Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.

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