Sunday, June 10, 2007

Men are hated in America. End of story. When will we rebel and destroy this cuntry which hates us?


KellyMac said...

Mikee, I have to be honest with you. I can appreciate your passion, and I even agree with you that women have far, far too much power in our society. I think we'd all be better off if men were in charge - just because I think men are much more fair-minded. But I don't think taking it to the other extreme is the answer.

MikeeUSA said...

The other extreme would be mostly the ideals of the enlighenment period before it merged into the more modern period:

Pro-men's rights without rights for women.
Pro-science and technology.

(Basically (The Bible's ideas on women) minus (blasphemy laws and religious intolerance) plus (science) plus (technology) plus (rights for men))

When women have rights then husbands are hated by their wives, men (inturn) dislike their wives, lesbianism is promoted, men are treated as crap by everyone. Single mothers get handouts from the government, less money is spent on research, medical, and military then otherwise would be.

When men have rights and women don't then husbands may be loved by their wives, and husbands usually love their wives as said girls are submissive and nice to men. Lesbiansim is discouraged. Men are not treated as crap to such an extent as when women have rights. More money exists for research and technology, and some is stolen by goverment officials as before.

It's much nicer.

Hip Grandma said...

I don't think men or women should be granted excess power in society.A balance of male and female energies is the answer.I don't understand why you feel that men are hated in is not love or hate that of a particular group but healthy co ordination that makes a sucess of a society.From what perceive the American society is fairly poised.Correct me if I am wrong.

MikeeUSA said...

Women who kill there husbands and boyfriends routienly get (at most) a year or two in jail sentanced and serve a month or so.

This shows that America hates punishing women for killing men. Logically America must thusly believe that killing men by women is OK.

Usually you kill things because you want to eat it or because it is a pest and you hate it.

Following that line of thinking: Either America does not see Men as humans and wishes to consume Men as burgers OR America Hates Men.

I don't think America want's to eat us, so I am forced to conclude that it hates us instead.

MikeeUSA said...

PS: Death To women's Rights, Viva Men's Liberties.