Monday, September 24, 2007

Mac loving Sensitive New Age Guy to obey wife's demand for him to have a vasetomy.

Mac loving Sensitive New Age Guy to obey wife's demand for him to have a vasetomy:

"We have five kids combined - sort of like our very own Brady Bunch ... and we have two children together," Johnson explains. "And she had made me promise that I would get a vasectomy at some point. I love having children, so I always thought in the back of my mind that there would be a chance that she would change her mind. But she didn't seem like she was going to be convinced. She didn't really want to go through another labor."

Who could blame iWife?

When the family met up at Denver International Airport to complete the trip, however, Johnson was "pouting" and carrying on as children often do without their toys.

That's when the wheels were set in motion for one of the most infamous deals in the history of nerds.

The deal stipulated that Johnson obtain a vasectomy, putting an end to the idea of more Johnson children. In turn, Johnson would be allowed to splurge on his iPhone"

Your thoughts? I could and do blaim iWife: she is a domeneering female who should be shot for controlling the "purse strings" and daring to make ANY deal with he who should be her master.
Apple mania impedes next generation
By The Denver Post

How crazy are people?

Off-their-rockers crazy - that's how crazy.

As someone who always seems to be two or three cellphones behind the times, I'll just refer to the mania surrounding Apple phones as the iLooney movement.

ILooney, as in standing in a line overnight to shell out 600 bucks for a 4.8-ounce contraption that will cost $200 in a year's time.

And when I heard Sean Johnson's story of sacrifice in the name of geekdom, I realized iLunacy can actually make the jump to religious fanaticism.

Vacationing recently in Colorado Springs for a family reunion, the self-proclaimed "Apple FanBoy" decided that making the ultimate sacrifice was necessary to procure, what is in reality, a fancy telephone.

Johnson, 40, tells me he's the kind of guy who as a kid used to show up at computer conferences featuring Apple co-founder Steve Jobs at around 6 in the morning only to watch the big guy talk on a screen hours later.

So getting his paws on the futuristic iPhone was, in essence, a moral imperative. And he was willing to pay - big time.

On the Idaho leg of his family's Western swing, Johnson had actually gone out, without permission from his wife, and purchased the phone.

Going solo was a mistake.

Wives, as they're occasionally prone to do, put the brakes on male absurdity, lest the world degenerate into an idiocracy of video games, football and 350-inch television screens.

iWife had already set yearly budgetary restrictions for Johnson. If he was interested in buying the phone - including canceling a Sprint contract for another $300 - he could do so on his own budget.

Johnson, naturally, had already blown his budget.

Husband was ordered to return the iPhone in disgrace.

Now, if you're under the impression that Johnson's wife is a domineering wet blanket, think again. As Johnson freely admits, his penchant for buying all the latest techie toys, pointless gadgets and computers necessitated some sort of budgetary restraint to save the family from bankruptcy.

We're talking about a substantial family here.

"We have five kids combined - sort of like our very own Brady Bunch ... and we have two children together," Johnson explains. "And she had made me promise that I would get a vasectomy at some point. I love having children, so I always thought in the back of my mind that there would be a chance that she would change her mind. But she didn't seem like she was going to be convinced. She didn't really want to go through another labor."

Who could blame iWife?

When the family met up at Denver International Airport to complete the trip, however, Johnson was "pouting" and carrying on as children often do without their toys.

That's when the wheels were set in motion for one of the most infamous deals in the history of nerds.

The deal stipulated that Johnson obtain a vasectomy, putting an end to the idea of more Johnson children. In turn, Johnson would be allowed to splurge on his iPhone.

So I ask you: Is voluntary urology surgery in exchange for an iPhone any worse than, say, a day's worth of self-flagellation practiced in some Middle Eastern nations?

Those folks are promised eternal bliss.

We're talking about a phone.

"So now that I've agreed to this, do I have to wait until after the procedure to get the phone?" Johnson asked his astute wife later on.

iWife looked at Johnson for a moment and replied: "You're good for it."

The phone is in hand as I speak to Johnson. He seems happy. The snip and tie is set for Sept. 12. We'll see how he feels in a month or so.

A deal is a deal. So I hope that Johnson doesn't plan on making a run for it?

"No. I'll get it done. I keep joking that I sacrificed my future offspring for this phone but that, you know, it seems fair," Johnson explains.

Yeah. Fair if you're iLooney.

The more important question, I guess, would be: Is the phone worth it?

"It's far from perfect, but it's by far the most perfect phone I've used."

Nice guy. Pithy quote.

Complete geek.

David Harsanyi's column appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Reach him at 303-954-1255 or

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Good, I hope this continues and escalates.
Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.

Feminist Bloggers Are Under Increasing Levels of Attack

Posted on 15 August, 2007 by Thin Black Duke
Filed Under Feminism |

Several feminist blogs have been the subject of DoS attacks lately, including Feministe, Shakesville, Women’s Space/ The Margins, and Bitting Beaver (only accessible by invite) . I suspect the only reason Pandagon hasn’t been attacked yet (if they haven’t already, I’m still out of it) is because they recently moved from their dedicated server (I’m not THAT out of it). As for Feministing, Culturekitchen, Women of Color Blog, and all the other mid-to-big sized blogs of a feminist bent, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were on somebodies list somewhere right now. This has nothing to do with whether or not I agree or disagree with any of the above mentioned blogs. This is…

Bullshit. Absolute. Fucking. Bullshit.

Are you people really so intellectually bankrupt that you can’t just offer your own (stupid and wrong, mind you) opinions on your own blogs or websites and leave it at that? DoS attacks? Anyone with an internet connection can learn how to do that (although thankfully most people under these circumstances are aware that DoS attacks are WRONG, and so don’t bother even Googling how to do it). Who are you impressing here? What are you trying to prove? You’re not that smart. The blogs you attack almost always come back online, and with more support than ever. The ones that don’t? Well ok, you managed to intimidate someone who doesn’t sit in her parent’s home 24/7 looking for lulz, someone who spends her time between going to law school, volunteering at shelters, teaching writing at their local prison, working a crappy ass job, AND blogging, into shutting down. You’re proud of this? This makes you feel good? Puhleeze!

You. Are. Pathetic.

When you attack these blogs that you hate so much, many of which have bloggers that freely give out their real identities, why do you feel the need to hide under a pseudonym or “anonymous”? What do you have to hide? If your cause is so righteous, why not openly stand behind your actions (and let it be known that the first person that tries to bring up the U.S. Revolution or any of the pseudonymous bloggers that I support will be schooled. It’s not even close to the same thing. Anyone following that so-called logic will be banned. And if you don’t know the difference between kicking someone out of your house and burning someone’s house down, I have no interest in entertaining you, either)?

I have refrained from providing links to the offending parties. I don’t see the need to boost their Page Rank, nor do I see the need to send more traffic their way. If you’re curious, you should follow the links above and find your way to the asshole sites. I will however say “fuck you Encylopedia Dramatica.”

You Google at your own risk.

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